Add Business Information
Step 1: Business Profile
Click on the Business Profile
Step 2: Business Information
Click on the Business Info to add your business information.
Step 3: Add Details
Here you can add your business details.
Business Name: The official name of the business entity.
Legal name of Company: The registered legal name of the company.
WhatsApp Number: The business's WhatsApp contact number for customer communication.
Email: The official email address used for business communication.
Industry: The sector or field in which the business operates.
Registration Number: The official business registration number assigned by the government.
Tax Number: The company's tax identification number for legal and tax purposes.
Founded Year: The year the business was established.
About Business: A brief description or summary of the company's operations, mission, and services.
Step 4: Save Business Information
After inserting all business details click on the save button to save information.