Add Contact Details
Step 1: Business Profile
Click on the Business Profile
Step 2: Contacts Details
Step 3: Add Details
Click on the Contact Details section. Provide your business’s contact information, such as phone number, email, and any other relevant contact details.
Location: The geographical area where the business is situated.
Street Address: The specific physical address of the business.
Postal Address: The mailing address used for receiving correspondence.
Area: The local area or neighborhood where the business is located.
Country: The country where the business operates.
State: The state or region within the country where the business is based.
City: The city where the business is located.
Phone Number: The business's landline contact number.
Mobile Number: The business's mobile phone contact number.
Email: The email address for communication.
Website: The official website of the business.
If your business is completely online, please select the ‘Online Business Only’ option.
Step 4: Save Contact Details
After adding your contact details click on the save button to save details.