Set Business Timing
Step 1: Business Profile
Click on the Business Profile
Step 2: Business Timings
Click on Business Timings to set up your business hours, including opening and closing times.
Step 4: Set Time Zone
Click on the Business Timing button. Set the time zone that your business follows.
Click on the time zone and select your desired time zone.
As default your system time will automatically set.
Step 5: Set 24/7
If your business operates 24/7, you can enable the 24/7 setting to reflect this.
Step 6: Set Custom Timings
Businesses can set custom business timing for each day, including both opening and closing times.
Click in the time field and a clock appears and from here you can set time.
Businesses can set one time for each day by clicking on set this timing for all days.
Businesses can set multiple timings for one day. For example if a business takes breaks so they can set multiple timings. Like open at 9:am – 1:pm And then 3:pm – 6:pm.
Step 7: Save Timings
After setting you desired time click save to save your business timing.